Monday, May 25, 2015

Lukas in the making (sugar lift etching no ii)

 ...and this is the process. I painted with Camp (chicory coffee) solution on the etching plate (it acts as a resist), then covered it in straw hat varnish, submerged the plate in warm water and waited for it to lift. Several layers of Aquatint followed. The image needed more definition so I added more Aquatint later and scraped some of it back (see proofs above).

Our garden

This eightfold book is a snapshot of the plant life in one corner of our garden: all the plants that grew in that area last summer are represented in eight soft ground etchings. The leaves were impressed into soft ground, including dandelion and jasmine, and the etching plates printed on a single sheet, which was folded into a book. See previous post for work in progress.